Travis allison
Consume Less, Create More.

Podcaster, Marketing Consultant, Go Camp Pro founder
I am marketing & communications consultant, podcast network producer and entrepreneur from Woodstock, ON 🇨🇦.I grew up in the small village of Innerkip, Ontario. My best friends were my cousins and the kids who lived on the farms around me. We all played sports together, went to the same church and our families partied together. We had huge corn roasts in the summer, we helped each other with the harvest in fall, we skated on the pond in the bush in the winter and in spring we would pick rocks on each others' fields (not a fun job!).
My TEDx Talk
I was carved by the power of a caring community.
I grew up in a community where when my bike broke on the 30-minute ride to school I walked up to the closest house, knocked on the door and asked if I could leave my bike in their garage until my dad and I could pick it up later.Eventually, I moved from the village to pursue my education and my work as a non-profit executive director. I didn't realize until much later that my childhood had been so foundational to my adult philosophy: everybody needs to feel noticed and appreciated.Since I left the village and lived in vibrant communities like Ottawa, Huntsville and Woodstock, I have seen that same power of cooperation and communication.I am driven by the awesome power of culture in the places that we live.I work to bring culture and community to all of my clients.

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